abandoned… decaying… forgotten…
all around us are the remains of buildings and structures where generations of people lived, worked, played and were cared for. what were once important parts of our society have been left unattended and crumbling. everyday more of these sites are destroyed by fires and strip malls, by condos and golf courses.
retrogression photography was started to document these parts of our history before they are reclaimed by man or by nature. many times these locations are remote and difficult to find and just as often they are right in front of us, places we all pass everyday but seldom see.
we focus on trying to convey the dark and derelict nature of the subjects we photograph. there is a lot more to these places than the visual elements. smells and sounds are amplified by the stillness of areas that were once the center great activity. although many of these sites are bright and colorful the mood there is not. through the use of muted colors and black and white photography the somber reality of what these discarded relics have now become is translated to the observer.